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Art and Activism


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SEVEN Performed at the Black Box Theatre at SOKA University
Staging for SEVEN a Documentary Play on Injustices Against Women
Shedding Light on Injustice for Women through Seven Global Leaders, Warriors, Sisters at SOKA Performing Arts Center



Photo: Cult Critic

"Can we make a difference and save lives? I asked. In the case of Blake Smith, the protagonist of the story, his loving concerned mother Lynn Smith played by Carla Susan Lewis was able to intervene and act on time to assist her son by seeking  a therapist Stacey Johnson played by Ana A P Braunstein, and the fact that he come to terms with his father all contributed for Blake’s journey to heal his emotional scars of his father abandonment."

Cult Critic, The Film Magazine   |   Rohan Bhattacharya 2022   |   Full Interview

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"There is always a thread between myself and what is on the page that gets triggered, sometimes subconsciously and that connection, when it is true radiates to the audience."

Drama Queens Reviews   |   Jen Bush |  Full Interview

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