Carla Susan Lewis

"Transitioning to nonprofits that championed giving voice to the marginalized, most cherished was time spent on community advisory boards and shepherding home grown interventions through government-community planning committees, task forces, and coalitions."

2012-2015 Asst Vice President Research, Women In Need Inc. (WIN) New York, NY
2010- 2012 Senior Director of National Program Development and Evaluation, Children’s Health Fund,
New York -
2005-2010 Deputy Executive Director of Planning, Evaluation, and Quality, Project Hospitality, Staten Island, NY, NY
2002-2005 Chief of Research and Evaluation, Urban Resource Institute, Brooklyn, NY
1999-2002 Senior Evaluator, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, NY
1993-1999 Consultant:
- NYU Medical Center (Dept of Environmental Sciences), New York, NY
- Columbia Mailman School of Public Health (Sociomedical Sciences), New York, NY
- National Development Research Institutes, New York, NY
- Adjunct Professor: Fordham University, (Social Sciences) New York, NY
- Adjunct Professor: CUNY MA Program in Forensic Psychology, (John Jay) New York, NY
1992-1993 Research Director, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
1990-1992 Principal Research Scientist, National Development and Research Institutes (NDRI), New York, NY
1988 -1990 Associate Research Scientist, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, New York, NY

Task Forces
Chairperson of NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene HIV
Prevention Planning Group’s Interventions and Behavioral Science
Evaluation Committee -
Reviewer for US Health and Human Services SAMSHA Grants:
Capacity Building Initiative for Substance Abuse and HIV Prevention Services for At-Risk Racial/Ethnic Minority Young Adults -
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Prevention Planning Group Women and Children’s Committee
Women’s HIV Collaborative of New York Policy and Strategic Planning Committee, Advisor to Research and Treatment Committee and Board
HIV Action Research Network (Founding Committee Member) Community Collaboration Core at the HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies, New York State Psychiatric Institute and Columbia University
El Centro de Hospitalidad - Quality Management Planning and Capacity Building
New York City Coalition of Domestic Violence Residential Providers (policy evaluation research)
National Coalition against Domestic Violence (former member and conference presenter)
Center against Domestic Violence (Strategic Planning, policy reform)
NYC Inter-agency Task Force Against Domestic Violence
Reviewer Violence against Women: An International Journal - (Sage Publications)
Mount Sinai Medical Center Sexual Assault Violence Intervention (SAVI) Emergency Room Program Cabrini Hospital, Metropolitan Hospital
Advisory Board Urban Center for Change, Crown Heights Brooklyn NY
Grant Writing Project Hospitality (successfully funded 2 mil for community capacity building)